BIGJON.ZIP 1,237 03-18-92 Text of satirical song about the captain ofthe Big Blue Titanic,.
CDBOX210.ZIP 225,688 07-25-92 CD-BOX plays CMF, MOD, MUS, ROL and VOCfiles.
CDP_126.ZIP 63,652 10-01-92 CDPlay v 1.26 - Play audio CDs on CD-ROMdrive. Has mouse support and onlinedatabase.
CHART202.ZIP 15,570 02-24-92 Music video chart for Feb 92.
CHIRPER4.ZIP 6,812 10-04-92 TSR Gives Each Key a Musical Note forFeedback
CMV15.ZIP 167,130 08-16-92 Calliope Music Vision 1.5: The BEST SingleTrack Midi Music Player for the SBlaster. In- cludes .ROL > .MDI (Midi) converterprogram and several music files. Popup FileSelect w/ 3 way sort. Instant or AutoReplay/Continuous non-stop Replay/CommandLine Play/Music Queue /ElapsedTime/Pause/Skip/Software Driver with Speakerreset and more. Shareware/UNCRIPPLED.
CSM_001.ZIP 179,139 03-10-92 Premier issue of Creative Sound Monthly. from March 1992.
DANCES10.ZIP 29,414 03-16-92 Freeware from Wayne Leman: collection of 31folkloric and classical dance tunes, musicplays thru computer speaker
DBLAST30.ZIP 331,248 05-14-92 Drum Blaster 3.0 for Sound Blaster
GCDEMO.ZIP 121,772 08-04-92 Sound Blaster Demo Called "Colour Me Shiver"Made By The GraphiComm Sound Group.
GHSC11.ZIP 159,754 07-12-92 Music tool, scales and chords displayedtransposed etc. with Midi control abilities(MPU-401)
GLOSSA21.ZIP 16,500 09-21-92 Introduction/glossary (v2.1) to many of theterms used in MIDI-computing, designed forbeginners; 09/21/92 Eugene A. Confrey.
GOLDPLAY.ZIP 120,392 08-01-92 Goldplay 1.0 With .tpu .asm .pas Mod Player.
JAMMERI.ZIP 250,632 04-01-92 This is a demo of The Jammer by Soundtrek! This is the best MIDI program in YEARS tocome along for the IBM compatible MIDI user! Will automatically create drum, bass, rhythmetc. Tracks for you! Self extracing ->2.2meg
LAMBADA1.ZIP 81,106 09-29-92 Lambada in .SNG and .MID
LUP22.ZIP 67,403 07-01-92 ListenUp v2.2: ear training software formusicians that combines sound and colors ina graphical user interface to help musiciansimprove their sense of pitch; req EGA/VGA;07/01/92; Fred Palmer Software.
MDPL219B.ZIP 101,459 02-26-92 ModPlay Ver 2.19 - Now will play from withinall compressed format, also will show a GIFwhile playing.
MIDI.GIF 103,251 05-04-92 2 of 3 graphics from creative labs multimedia upgrade kit
MIDI0392.ZIP 8,243 03-03-92 International list of MIDI BBS's March 1992
MIDI0992.ZIP 4,779 09-01-92 A list of top MIDI BBS's. A must downloadfor MIDI lovers.
MIDI1092.ZIP 4,537 10-01-92 Latest List of Midi Related BBS's
MIDICTRL.ZIP 28,121 07-25-92 Program to control midi controllers in realtime with an MS-compatible mouse; requiresEGA/VGA, a mouse, and soundblaster; you cancontrol 2 controllers at once w/horizontal/vertical mouse motion;
MM1_TALK.ZIP 342,829 09-10-92 MULTIMEDIA 1 will allow you to create yourown custom presentations, advertising,tutorials, courseware authoring, reports,school projects and much more. With thispackage you can combine real human SPEECH,and MUSIC with high resolution IMAGES (up toSVGA). Use this package to create your owncustom AUDIO/VIDEO SHOWS on any subject,place, product or procedure. Now with
MOD2ZIP.ZIP 7,408 02-11-92 Convert Mod files to Zips!
MPC1V12A.ZIP 168,229 08-05-92 MS-DOS drivers for the Media Vision PROAUDIOSpectrum Plus audio board and the SonyCD-ROM drive
MSHELL10.ZIP 111,525 03-14-92 Mod shell v1.0 excellent front-end menuprogram for playing .mod music files. Veryflexible, supports up to 5 differentcompression programs.
MULTI2_3.ZIP 298,250 07-08-92 MultiMedia 1.0 2/3
MULTI3_3.ZIP 236,350 07-08-92 MultiMedia 1.0 3/3
MUSICAT.ZIP 26,139 04-11-92 Compact Disk Catalog with Listed Ratings 2.
MUSICM2.ZIP 42,949 04-10-92 Play music, save your songs, listen to themlater. $5 Shareware. Lori Beean.
MUSICMKR.ZIP 43,054 02-02-92 Play music, save your songs, play back laterShareware $5
NEW_TAPI.ZIP 60,791 02-14-92 Low volume fix for sb-pro. SoundBlaster Pro.
NOSOUND.ZIP 4,331 05-18-92 A program to make your speaker shut up!
ORGAN.ZIP 3,816 03-08-92 Make your pc into an organ -- in basic.
PAS16101.ZIP 650,156 05-08-92 MediaVision v1.2 Audio Spectrum w/16drivers. (5-92) Part 1 of 2.
PAS16102.ZIP 741,778 05-08-92 MediaVision v1.2 Audio Spectrum w/16drivers. (5-92) Part 2 of 2.
PASPLUS.ZIP 7,278 07-15-92 Proaudio spectrum plus driver. PASPLUS.SYS
PAS_SDK1.ZIP 183,836 10-16-92 Programming examples for the Pro AudioSpectrum Plus/16 soundcards. Program youPAS 16-bit DAC. Example code in Microsoft Cand Assembler. Examples (1/2).
PAS_SDK2.ZIP 267,110 10-16-92 More programming examples and INCLUDE .Hfiles for the Pro Audio Spectrum Plus/16cards. Examples (2/2).
PCMTOOLS.ZIP 110,366 09-01-92 A bunch of PCM DAC utilities for the ProAudioSpectrum series of cards.
PDQ116.ZIP 83,726 06-03-92 PDQ Utilities v1.16: set of matchedutilities to maintain your harddiskincluding a directory change util,configurable directory lister and apowerful, flexible file finder; 06/03/92;Gerald M. Vrooman.
PLAYSAMP.ZIP 5,424 03-26-92 Simple sample player. Supports bothPC-Speaker and LPTX dacs
PREAMP.ZIP 2,305 10-12-92 Schematic of 2 Different Kinds of Preamps(AscII).
PROCAL.ZIP 6,585 07-10-92 PROCAL from Intelligent Technologies - CALsampler package will introduce to you theCAL library series for use with Cakewalksequencers.
PROTSBM.ZIP 176,221 05-30-92 Proteus Sound Bank Midiex Format includingProteus 14 Sound Banks Dt. T Format
RPLY40.ZIP 70,012 12-10-92 RAINBOW Player V1.4 ProTraker MODule Player
SBPRONEW.ZIP 114,446 03-10-92 New Drivers for SoundBlaster Pro - 3.10.92
SBPSET.ZIP 8,019 08-20-92 SB Pro SBP-SET program - v. 1.21 Bug fix
SBPW31NW.ZIP 59,901 05-06-92 Latest Sound B
SBTMB252.ZIP 75,417 09-19-92 SBTimbre Version 2.52: FM Timbre Editor forSound Blaster, Adlib style cards. DOS textbased full screen editor. Supports SoundBlaster MRá╨ and MPU401 MIDI interfaces,multiple IBK files, Mouse (not reqd.) FullyFunctional *** SHAREWARE ***
SFX_1.ZIP 299,027 03-25-92 ATI stereo F/X software V1.1 1 of 3.
SFX_3.ZIP 346,895 03-25-92 ATI Drivers 3/3
SILLY19B.ZIP 142,900 08-19-92 Silly Little Mod Player 1.9b includes shellto dos while playing, selectable samplingrate, channels etc...
SNDCATSB.ZIP 338,556 05-10-92 █▐ Sound Blaster files for SNDCAT01.ZIP ▌█The sound blaster files for use withSNDCAT01.ZIP, NOT required, but helps!
SNDCON.ZIP 14,791 05-04-92 Convert .VOC, .GSS, .SND, .RAW, and .VMD toMicroSoft .WAV or .RAW sound files. w/C src.
SNDHELP.ZIP 95,504 02-28-92 Sound from the great Beatles flick "HELP"
SNDOFF20.ZIP 39,539 08-25-92 Sound Off! v2.0 - Command Line and BatchFile Sound Production Center from RALINEnterprise
SNDPLUS.ZIP 383,119 08-07-92 Sounds for your pc through the pc speaker! A collection with the driver! Don't need nostinkin' sound blaster!
SNDTEST.ZIP 135,460 02-23-92 A Hollywood sound test
SONGPLAY.ZIP 77,241 03-11-92 Multimedia midi Song Player - window.
SVSCREAM.ZIP 28,841 10-07-92 Woman scream voice file. Self playing VOCfiles need only a Soundblaster to run.
TEST_SBP.ZIP 37,351 05-13-92 Test for sb-pro for 486 machines.
TONE.ZIP 0,234 05-22-92 Program that plays different tones.
TRAK280.ZIP 346,856 05-27-92 TrakSat 2.80 - Latest version (6-1-92) ofPaul Traufler's satellite tracking Program
TRKPLA.ZIP 6,943 02-05-92 Play audio CDs on any CD-ROM drive
TUNER140.ZIP 90,440 07-24-92 Guitar Tuner V1.40 From Canada! Tune YourGuitar. No Special Hardware.
VOC38620.ZIP 632,916 07-21-92 386-Specific sound file editor - REQUIRES386 & VGA. Edits, adds FX to VOC, WAV, etc. Quite powerful. From Germany.
VOCTOSAM.ZIP 3,164 02-22-92 Converts .voc files to .sam files.
WAVCNV.ZIP 15,427 07-01-92 WavConv; A DOS utility for converting 8-bitsound files among many of the most common PCformats. It will convert a file from or toany of the following: Covox Speech ThingVoiceMaster (VMFs), MS Windows 3.1 (WAV),DSound (SNDs), SoundBlaster (VOCs) and more. 06/27/92; James M. Curran.
WHACK101.ZIP 62,441 04-22-92 New version of Whacker Tracker (NOT Preview!)
WHACKE.ZIP 171,034 04-17-92 Whacker Tracker - MOD player/editor fromSweden; supports many sound cards.
WHACKER.ZIP 170,414 04-11-92 Whacker Tracker v1.00a - A Amiga MOD PlayerEditor for the SoundBlaster and SB Pro. VGAGraphics, Excellent Prg!
WHOOP1.ZIP 151,108 05-01-92 Nice Shareware Sound Utility for Win 3.1
WINSUPRA.ZIP 28,716 04-27-92 Patched MOD.EXE for WinFax Pro & SupraV32bis FAXmodem. This copy is identical tothat in FAXMOD.ZIP but the text file fromSupra explains which ROMs it's for andpromises a new ROM on 5/31/92.
WOWII130.ZIP 74,576 09-07-92 WOWII v1.30 - MODule player for IBM type PCfrom Germany. Supposed to be good. Probably requires Soundblaster or soundcard. 256VGA
X5XTMODS.ZIP 82,094 02-24-92 XRS 5.0 "Mods 1 & 2" combined Patch Kit. This updates an *original* (not "Mod 1")generic XRS 5 to "Mod 2" patch level...